Christians Are More Likely to Experience Divorce Than Are Non-Christians
(Ventura, CA) Divorce may not be popular, but it remains common in America. A new study by the Barna Research Group (Ventura, CA) shows that one out of every four Americans adults have experienced at least one divorce. One of the surprising outcomes to emerge from the study is that born again Christians are more likely to go through a marital split than are non-Christians. Using statistics drawn from nationwide survey interviews with nearly 4000 adults, the data show that although just 11% of the adult population is currently divorced, 25% of all adults have experienced at least one divorce during their lifetime. Among born again Christians, 27% are currently or have previously been divorced, compared to 24% among adults who are not born again. (Because of the large sample size involved, that difference is statistically significant.)
Who Gets Divorced? What may be just as surprising are some of the statistics related to various population groups. For instance, while Baby Boomers have been widely criticized for their selfishness and their inattention to family needs in favor of career pursuits, the generation for which divorce is most prevalent is not the Boomers but the generation that preceded them--the Builders.
Thirty seven percent of the adults from that generation, who are presently from 53 to 72 years of age, have endured a divorce, compared to 34% among Boomers. In fact, one might argue that it was Builders who initially popularized divorce. Evidence of that is found in a comparison of the incidence of divorce among the Builders (37%) and among those of the generation that preceded them (the Seniors--18%). To date, only 7% of Busters have been divorced, but that is largely because most of them have yet to be married for the first time. Other surprises included regional, ethnic and denominational differences.
Divorce is much less likely in the Northeast than elsewhere. Only 19% of the residents of the Northeast have been divorced, compared to 26% in the West and 27% in both the South and the Midwest. A higher proportion of whites gets divorced (27%) than is true among African-Americans (22%) or Hispanics (20%). The eye-opener is that only 8% of Asians get divorced--just one-third the incidence found among whites.
Among the characteristics that do not seem to be related to divorce are educational achievement, household income, and political ideology.
Faith and Divorce Surprisingly, the Christian denomination whose adherents have the highest likelihood of getting divorced are Baptists. Nationally, 29% of all Baptist adults have been divorced. The only Christian group to surpass that level are those associated with non-denominational Protestant churches: 34% of those adults have undergone a divorce. Of the nation's major Christian groups, Catholics and Lutherans have the lowest percentage of divorced individuals (21%). People who attend mainline Protestant churches, overall, experience divorce on par with the national average (25%).
Among non-Christian groups the levels vary. Jews, for instance, are among those most likely to divorce (30% have), while atheists and agnostics are below the norm (21%). Mormons, renowned for their emphasis upon strong families, are no different than the national average (24%). A related survey recently completed by Barna Research among a nationwide sample of Protestant senior pastors showed that just 15% of pastors have ever been divorced.
A Reaction to the Research These findings were both expected and surprising, according to George Barna, president of the firm that conducted the study. "The national statistics have remained the same for the past half-decade. While it may be alarming to discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time. Even more disturbing, perhaps, is that when those individuals experience a divorce many of them feel their community of faith provides rejection rather than support and healing. But the research also raises questions regarding the effectiveness of how churches minister to families. The ultimate responsibility for a marriage belongs to the husband and wife, but the high incidence of divorce within the Christian community challenges the idea that churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriages.
Barna also noted that the impact of such widespread divorce has left its mark on young people. "One of the most striking findings in our recent survey among teenagers is that when we asked them to name their top goals for the future, one of the highest-rated was to get married and have the same spouse for their entire life. That's a remarkable goal--one that reflects their own exposure to, and rejection of, a family that has to survive divorce, for whatever reasons. Since millions of those teens have never had a healthy marriage modeled for them, we can only pray that they will have the strength of character and the support systems available to make their goal a reality.
Survey Methodology These findings are based upon telephone interviews conducted throughout 1999 with random national samples of adults. In total, 3854 adults from the 48 continental states were interviewed. The estimated sampling error for the aggregate data is +2 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.
All of the interviews were conducted from the Barna Research Group telephone interviewing facility. Households were selected randomly through a random-digit dialing procedure (RDD), with just one adult interviewed per household. Quotas were also deployed to ensure accurate regional distribution and minor statistical weighting was used to ensure that the samples reflected national demographic norms. Multiple callbacks were used to increase the probability of selecting a representative sample of households.
The Barna Research Group, Ltd. is an independent marketing research company located in Ventura, California. Since 1984 it has been studying cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. This research was funded solely by Barna Research as part of its regular tracking of attitudes, values and behavior. Future data releases of this nature may be obtained at no cost by subscribing to The Barna Update, a free bi-weekly e-mailing of new data drawn from Barna Research Group studies. To subscribe, log onto and enter your email in the subscription field on the upper left-hand portion of any page.
I know you just marry please read it and have mental preparation !
To 偉: 我想每個人的經驗都不一樣。我是感受不出來我自己或身邊的基督徒有討厭或排擠非基督徒啦...但這問我好像不太準?我有沒有自大囂張狂妄,可能也要問我周圍的人才比較準確。自己是最看不到自己的缺點...每個人都有盲點囉...不過至少我可以說,基督教不希望基督徒排擠或討厭非基督徒,而且也不希望基督徒自大囂張狂妄。
36 則留言:
謙卑點 !
你這種基督徒我見不少 !
炳我OK !
炳我的神上帝就不OK !
我 我的 我的宗教是 至高無上我我我我..............................................................................................
各界 :
佛陀和基督 == 不是 IDOL !
==不是 劉德華和 張學友之FANS 分別 !
明白嗎 ! Everyone !
心知肚明受夠了 !
Esther Wu
Dr 王道仁:
很多時有他教和基督徒做朋友心裡很辛苦 !
他們始終日後密謀機關算盡你信基督教 ! 友誼,愛情跟信仰要交易嗎 ?
好似我們他教的人是間諜 ! (無間道)
我同意 !
耶女真的很尊制 !
相反佛女沒有'妻管嚴' !
My friend all are Christians and they are quite arrogant to force their husband or boy friend to believe Christ !
真正中華文化萬事萬物平等博愛偉大精神不是西方偏執一神宗教所說 :
中國人是宗教病夫 !
基性取向朋友不要極端原教旨主義囉 !
管他什麼教 ! 我只和有人格修養的人做好朋友 !
die hard head so-called Christians !
誓要去 入基督山 浩氣壯 過千關
豪情無限 男兒傲氣
地獄也獨來獨往返 !
*存心一闖基督教虎豹穴 今朝去幾時還
奈何難盡歡千日醉 此刻相對恨晚
#願與你 盡一杯 聚與散 記心間
毋忘情義 長存浩氣
重唱 *,#
豪情無限 男兒傲氣
基督徒受死啦 !
Dear Dr Wong !
Christians Are More Likely to Experience Divorce Than Are Non-Christians
(Ventura, CA) Divorce may not be popular, but it remains common in America. A
new study by the Barna Research Group (Ventura, CA) shows that one out of
every four Americans adults have experienced at least one divorce. One of the
surprising outcomes to emerge from the study is that born again Christians
are more likely to go through a marital split than are non-Christians.
Using statistics drawn from nationwide survey interviews with nearly 4000
adults, the data show that although just 11% of the adult population is
currently divorced, 25% of all adults have experienced at least one divorce
during their lifetime. Among born again Christians, 27% are currently or have
previously been divorced, compared to 24% among adults who are not born
again. (Because of the large sample size involved, that difference is
statistically significant.)
Who Gets Divorced?
What may be just as surprising are some of the statistics related to various
population groups. For instance, while Baby Boomers have been widely
criticized for their selfishness and their inattention to family needs in
favor of career pursuits, the generation for which divorce is most prevalent
is not the Boomers but the generation that preceded them--the Builders.
Thirty seven percent of the adults from that generation, who are presently
from 53 to 72 years of age, have endured a divorce, compared to 34% among
Boomers. In fact, one might argue that it was Builders who initially
popularized divorce. Evidence of that is found in a comparison of the
incidence of divorce among the Builders (37%) and among those of the
generation that preceded them (the Seniors--18%). To date, only 7% of
Busters have been divorced, but that is largely because most of them have yet
to be married for the first time.
Other surprises included regional, ethnic and denominational differences.
Divorce is much less likely in the Northeast than elsewhere. Only 19% of the
residents of the Northeast have been divorced, compared to 26% in the West
and 27% in both the South and the Midwest. A higher proportion of whites gets
divorced (27%) than is true among African-Americans (22%) or Hispanics (20%).
The eye-opener is that only 8% of Asians get divorced--just one-third the
incidence found among whites.
Among the characteristics that do not seem to be related to divorce are
educational achievement, household income, and political ideology.
Faith and Divorce
Surprisingly, the Christian denomination whose adherents have the highest
likelihood of getting divorced are Baptists. Nationally, 29% of all Baptist
adults have been divorced. The only Christian group to surpass that level are
those associated with non-denominational Protestant churches: 34% of those
adults have undergone a divorce. Of the nation's major Christian groups,
Catholics and Lutherans have the lowest percentage of divorced individuals
(21%). People who attend mainline Protestant churches, overall, experience
divorce on par with the national average (25%).
Among non-Christian groups the levels vary. Jews, for instance, are among
those most likely to divorce (30% have), while atheists and agnostics are
below the norm (21%). Mormons, renowned for their emphasis upon strong
families, are no different than the national average (24%).
A related survey recently completed by Barna Research among a nationwide
sample of Protestant senior pastors showed that just 15% of pastors have ever
been divorced.
A Reaction to the Research
These findings were both expected and surprising, according to George Barna,
president of the firm that conducted the study. "The national statistics have
remained the same for the past half-decade. While it may be alarming to
discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience
a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time. Even more
disturbing, perhaps, is that when those individuals experience a divorce many
of them feel their community of faith provides rejection rather than support
and healing. But the research also raises questions regarding the
effectiveness of how churches minister to families. The ultimate
responsibility for a marriage belongs to the husband and wife, but the high
incidence of divorce within the Christian community challenges the idea that
churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriages.
Barna also noted that the impact of such widespread divorce has left its mark
on young people. "One of the most striking findings in our recent survey
among teenagers is that when we asked them to name their top goals for the
future, one of the highest-rated was to get married and have the same spouse
for their entire life. That's a remarkable goal--one that reflects their own
exposure to, and rejection of, a family that has to survive divorce, for
whatever reasons. Since millions of those teens have never had a healthy
marriage modeled for them, we can only pray that they will have the strength
of character and the support systems available to make their goal a reality.
Survey Methodology
These findings are based upon telephone interviews conducted throughout 1999
with random national samples of adults. In total, 3854 adults from the 48
continental states were interviewed. The estimated sampling error for the
aggregate data is +2 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.
All of the interviews were conducted from the Barna Research Group telephone
interviewing facility. Households were selected randomly through a
random-digit dialing procedure (RDD), with just one adult interviewed per
household. Quotas were also deployed to ensure accurate regional distribution
and minor statistical weighting was used to ensure that the samples reflected
national demographic norms. Multiple callbacks were used to increase the
probability of selecting a representative sample of households.
The Barna Research Group, Ltd. is an independent marketing research company
located in Ventura, California. Since 1984 it has been studying cultural
trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. This research was
funded solely by Barna Research as part of its regular tracking of attitudes,
values and behavior. Future data releases of this nature may be obtained at
no cost by subscribing to The Barna Update, a free bi-weekly e-mailing of new
data drawn from Barna Research Group studies. To subscribe, log onto and enter your email in the subscription field on the upper
left-hand portion of any page.
I know you just marry please read it and have mental preparation !
自我中心就是 SIN !
To Mr Wong & all Christians :
In Fact , All of my friends and me also agree Esther said
基督教徒為傳教目的 不擇手段 去歪曲別人教義 !
It happens to me very often in my daily life !
I m no religion just a girl passby
livia ng
Moreover, I think some one express thier anger which does not mean that they are Buddhist !
THere are no connection between right /
太長時間 !
罪証確鑿 !
我最後提醒你們 ! 因我真的愛你們! 直接指出你們基督徒人格不是 !
聽得進否是你們的心量 !
就是 在別宗教前 妄自尊大 !
你們的分別心太重 !
要分主內主外 ?
主外的人修養胸襟比你們姓基的好得多 !
真正不酒不肉(不似B)好朋友 耶穌基督 敬上
的{基}人 !
我 耶穌基督 向 基督徒 直人說直真話 :
任何宗教最後都是修好自己 身 (Action), 語(Speech),意念(MIND) !
不好原教旨主義 !
神(自我中心)權執迷不悟 !
正信佛法(無神論)做得比基督教好 !
耶穌基督 上
請問王先生你為何原因信基督教 ?
我本人的生活經歷告訴我基督徒暗地裡多數不喜歡/討厭/排擠/異教徒 !
我有很多異教徒朋友告訴我同基督徒朋友在一起他們自大囂張狂妄態度很難相處 !
我沒有什麼宗教信仰 !
偉 上
To Thomas:
請 Use 心 答 我 . 因 我 很 想 知 道.
To 偉:
To 偉: