我覺得道仁很棒, 一直在成長, 也一直在付出.
Hi Mr Wong Tu Ren Does God exist?
回覆刪除First, cosmology: people already beleive in a superior being. Where did this God come from? But asking this question is like asking, "How long is the color yellow?" the questions does not make sense. it is inapprorpriate. We aregue that God created time, matter and space. But the question that is asked is a degreed question. Meaning there is a mathematical measurement to it. But the answer is non-degreed. God's existence cannot be calculated. God is not an effect. Every effect needs a cause, but God is not an effect. It is therefore, more rational to believe than not to beleive.
2nd teleology: God designed the universe according to His purpose. Once we have determined that a Personal creator exists, we examin the external, physical world. This argument gives us information about God, the person. not so much arguments for his existence...because we already believe he exists. God is purposeful, intelligent, orderly, humorous, caring, playful, artistic, relational...etc... Some say that
God is not efficient. they will say that the ostrich cannot conserve energy...but why does an omnipotent God need to conserve energy? God creates things out of joy for his pleasure. Like an artist uses paint to communicate an idea or emotion, he done'st conserve paint.
3. anthropology: then we talk about the internal world. the study of man....C.S. Lewis says, "If i find capacities that are unfulfilled in this world, possibly i was created for another world." this makes sense, if humans think that we are not made for this world, then perhaps there is another world that God created us for. As christians we believe in eternal life....life in God's kingdom...i beleive we fit very wel there.
A. Conscience; i desire the good, yet regularly fail to live up to my conscience.
B. rationality: i am more than body parts...i am the thing that has parts. i'm not just a body, i've got a soul, we are free to make decisions. not a robot.
C. intimacy: i yearn for intimacy...but i feel alone----why do we feel lonely? hwat has separated us? SIN
D. meaning: i thirst to know the meaning and purpose to life: isn't that what we all want to know..why are we on earth? to know and be more like Christ.
E. Evil: i want to get rid of evil, pian, death, but can i?
So, if creater God created order and purpose, we're created wtih order and purpose, why do we feel broken? what has separated us? SIN
John 14:6 says, that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Matthew 16:15 asks the non-christian this...who do you say that i (Jesus) am?
5. Psychology: We look for something more. we look for evidence of intellectual work. If Christianity is true, then an eternity of happiness awaits the faithful. if it's false, nothing but annihilation follows death. If we follow God, then we may lose the earthly pleasures that are satisfying for the moment, but we gain the pleasures that will last forever...treasures in heaven.